Friday, January 29, 2010

worship sets on

One of my mini-resolutions for 2010 is to keep our worship sets online, so people can find the music we do for worship and enjoy it between services...

Our set lists and AmazonMP3 links are on under Media, then Music.  If you're interested...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Not enough memory...

Isnt that the most annoying error popup on a cruddy old computer...
trying to run programs that it wasnt designed to run? But I kinda
feel like that...
The other day, Ev was screaming and crying as we drove away from
'appanodals' (McDonalds) because he didnt get to play... And
Christine and I just died laughing. It was one of the small things
that just bring a smile or moment of happiness, but probably wont be
remembered in the long run. So my joy was a little squashed at the
thought of how many memories will be lost due to my 'not enough
memory'... Hopefully someone in heaven is video taping this stuff for
In the meantime, I might just have to blog some silly little moments,
so they're not forever lost...
Sent from my Windows Mobile phone

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do you ever get in the shower

and think, man I'm a spoiled American...  Showering every day is a foreign idea to much of the world.  There are millions of people who would love to have water to drink like the gallon I just used to wash the shampoo out of my hair and down the drain.

Is it mind boggling to anyone that we haven't figured out a way to make sure kids aren't dying around the world of too little food and water?  Because it is to me.  They had free cookies sitting out at the bank the other day, and somewhere some kid is literally starving to death.

And I feel so small.  I do my part, or enough to make me feel like I am.  But sometimes I wonder if we should all sell our tv's and furniture and computers and help someone.  I know...  give a man a fish...  Whatever.  Most Americans don't know how to fish (figuratively speaking)...  We hire out all the fishing to other countries, and make our money at the expense of incredibly impoverished people... and pat ourselves on the back for giving them something...  And I don't exclude myself from these charges at all.  I'm part of the culture responsible.

And in my own mind, when I'm not so contemplative as today, I'm struggling to get by.  Because the numbers on my bank account webpage aren't always the color I'd like them to be.  But I'm listening to world class music, streamed to great speakers (most definitely made in China), with comfortable shoes, a warm sweater...  You get the picture.

And I'm really glad I've been so bothered by this the last couple days.  I hope it bothers me enough to make me think of something I can do to change it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


wow.  at the beginning of a new year, a new decade, i am totally buying in to the hype.  my optimism levels are some of the highest in years.  even though i refuse to call them resolutions, because i'm just a rebel by nature, i've already made a dozen or so. 

a huge milestone for me is the realization that i graduated high school a decade ago, and have already been replaced as the youngest member on staff at RMCC.  life moves fast.  in the last decade i graduated high school, attended three colleges, (graduated one), got married, had a child, and am expecting the second in a few months.  I've lived 5 different places (much more than the previous decade) bought 3 cars, had 8 jobs, that i can count right now...  and it feels like a chapter of life is closing.  10 years that I can't change.  those pages have been filled and i've used up 10 years of the gas tank of my life.  and the weird thing is the little red E has been erased, so I don't even know how much i have left.

so it motivates me, to try to make the most of the next 10.  i'm starting out this year recording myself reading through the bible, and sharing it with whoever would want to listen. if you'd like to take a look.  and if i feel like i might succeed at my other not-resolutions, i may share them.  i'm just not brave enough to broadcast potential failures, in my overly optimistic state.  (so maybe i'm not as optimistic as i think i am...)  but it's safe to say i want to reach out more, live more purposefully and effectively, and have faith to allow God to do the miracles he wants to do through my life.