Tuesday, January 5, 2010


wow.  at the beginning of a new year, a new decade, i am totally buying in to the hype.  my optimism levels are some of the highest in years.  even though i refuse to call them resolutions, because i'm just a rebel by nature, i've already made a dozen or so. 

a huge milestone for me is the realization that i graduated high school a decade ago, and have already been replaced as the youngest member on staff at RMCC.  life moves fast.  in the last decade i graduated high school, attended three colleges, (graduated one), got married, had a child, and am expecting the second in a few months.  I've lived 5 different places (much more than the previous decade) bought 3 cars, had 8 jobs, that i can count right now...  and it feels like a chapter of life is closing.  10 years that I can't change.  those pages have been filled and i've used up 10 years of the gas tank of my life.  and the weird thing is the little red E has been erased, so I don't even know how much i have left.

so it motivates me, to try to make the most of the next 10.  i'm starting out this year recording myself reading through the bible, and sharing it with whoever would want to listen.  http://www.livetwentyten.com/ if you'd like to take a look.  and if i feel like i might succeed at my other not-resolutions, i may share them.  i'm just not brave enough to broadcast potential failures, in my overly optimistic state.  (so maybe i'm not as optimistic as i think i am...)  but it's safe to say i want to reach out more, live more purposefully and effectively, and have faith to allow God to do the miracles he wants to do through my life.

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